Tag: Is Carrying Too Many Keys Bad For Your Ignition
Most people today own multiple sets of keys to unlock properties, start up vehicles and machines, and instead of placing them on separate keychains they put them all on one keychain holder. That is the obvious thing to do if you have a tendency to lose keys, but what you may not know is the damage that is being done to your vehicle’s ignition system. This is especially aimed to those who carry a multitude of flashlights, bottle openers and other gadgets on one key chain. A heavy keychain weighs down the ignition and can one day cause it to fail. Some individuals run into this problem and aren’t sure why their car won’t start. Luckily an emergency car locksmith can be trusted to provide roadside assistance.
An emergency auto locksmith can be reached to quickly help drivers get access to their car when keys are locked inside, to remove broken keys from the car door or trunks and fix ignition problems when a vehicle fails to start. Emergency car locksmiths in San Diego are trained and prepared to handle car key services at any hour of the day, without causing damage to the vehicle.